Volunteer Spotlight: Ronda Spurlin

We are so impressed by volunteer Ronda Spurlin. In just a short time, Ronda has assisted at the library in almost every volunteer role possible! Read on for her interview with Adult Volunteer Coordinator Mariah:

Tell us about your family/pets:
My wonderful hubby works for the Veterans Administration. We have a rising sophomore at Trinity University and a rising sophomore at LTHS. My Mom lives down the street from us and we have a lovely kitty, Mary, that loves people.

What sparked your interest in volunteering at the library?
I’ve always volunteered in various places (church, school, and the Scouts) and was looking for something new – we live near the new library location, West, on Hwy 71 and are really excited for it to open!

Since you started, you’ve jumped in with both feet! Could you tell us about the many ways you’ve been volunteering?
I went to a Friends of the Library meeting and found out about the many ways I could help. I have been working in the Friends Bookstore, assisting as a Tech Coach, I volunteered on the bookmobile at the Spicewood Arts Festival, and I am helping to spread the word about West!

What are you currently reading?
I just finished reading Janet Evanovich’s Fox and O’Hare series. I rediscovered her in the Friends bookstore!

Other interests or hobbies?
I like traveling, crocheting, and learning new things.

What’s your favorite thing about volunteering at the library?
The people are really interesting. You never know who you’re going to meet in both the volunteers and the patrons.

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