Did you know that we provide a Monthly Home Delivery service? Patrons who are unable to visit the library or bookmobile due to diminished mobility are eligible and encouraged to sign up. Deliveries occur once a month and give participants access to all of the library’s materials including books, DVDs, magazines, audiobooks, and more!
“I get to pick my favorite authors with current titles and they are delivered to my home by a friendly volunteer,” patron Jeanne Jarvis said. “One of the best parts of the home delivery program is the books are yours to read for a month. I email my large print wish list and they let me know what’s available. The staff even tries to locate my specific request through another library! The home delivery program is a sanity saver as it helps keep me up to date with favorite books and makes a day pass much more pleasantly.”
Are you or someone you know interested in Home Delivery? Give us a call at (512) 263-2885 or email kscott@laketravislibrary.org to get started!