Teen Volunteer Service Scholarship Winners

Five Lake Travis High School seniors, who have each volunteered over 75 hours at the library, will attend college in the fall with the help of scholarships from the Friends of the Lake Travis Community Library.

We were so impressed by the applicants this year,” Teen Volunteer Coordinator Beth Yoder said. “And we are thrilled to be able to help further their education!”

Scholarship winner Rebha Acharya will attend UT to study Electrical and Computer Engineering. Benjamin Ortiz will attend a four-year university to obtain a bachelor’s degree in Engineering and Computer Science with a minor in Media Art. Ryan Vo will study at UT Dallas focusing on Electrical Engineering, after which he hopes to find a career in robotics. Danae Levin will attend UT to pursue a career as an OB-GYN. And Ashley Shtaih plans to become a nurse in a pediatric oncology unit upon graduating from the nursing program at Texas Christian University.

Since 2007, the Friends of the Library have awarded more than $125,000 in scholarships to teen volunteers. Congratulations and best wishes to these exceptional graduates!


Scholarship recipients Ryan Vo, Rebha Acharya with Teen Volunteer Coordinator Beth Yoder, Ashley Shtaih, Benjamin Ortiz, and Danae Levin

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